World lord: Alinar is a world full of different creatures, as small as an ant to as big as a dragon, it is not unheard of to see mixed races running around the world. There is only one village as of now in Alinar, the main race of the village is elven and human, made apparent in the way the homes and structures are built. There was once a king and queen that ruled over the land, but they have long been chased off now leaving only nobles to keep the order alongside the knights of order. One of the many products known of Alinar is slaves, anywhere from housekeepers to the more erotic are bought and sold in Alinar.
Major events:
2000 BH (before humans)- Elven name a king and queen to watch over Alinar
2500 BH - War breaks out over new coin laws
4000 BH- Elven chase off the new king and queen with riots, and nobles take over
4600- AH (After humans)- Humans find Alinar and start to live with elven
4700- Village is made, humans and elven live together
5000- current time